
New Region

Welcome to the newest region of the Ferrari Club of America - the Southwest! We invite everyone who lives in Southern California, Southern Nevada or Arizona and owns a Ferrari or is interested in them to join us.

Until now there has not been an FCA region in Southern California so there have not been events for us to enjoy. That has now changed. We are an independent region of the FCA which will elect its own officers, set its own dues and plan its own events. We are dedicated to providing activities for everyone and over the next year we will sponsor tours, track events, technical sessions, and publish a newsletter focusing on our region.

The most important event of the year is the Ferrari Club of America National Meet in Monterey this August. By now you have received a description of the events and how to register for them. (If you have not, please call Judd Goldfeder at 800-477-7166 x105.) This will be the biggest Ferrari event ever in the United States. See the article on page 9, written by Al Burtoni of Milano Imports, for a full description of what this event will be like.

I have been asked why have another club for those who own or are interested in Ferraris? Isn't the club that has been active in Southern California enough? I believe there is room for another club because each can offer events to appeal to a variety of interests.

In addition, membership in the Ferrari Club of America has several unique advantages:

  • The quarterly magazine, Prancing Horse, is a high quality, four color publication which provides information about our cars that is not available anywhere else. It is comparable to Cavallino.
  • Event insurance provides limited medical coverage in addition to the usual general liability protection at all club events.
  • The Ferrari Club of America is the ONLY club which is recognized by and has the support of the Ferrari factory (through Ferrari North America). There are national and regional events, such as the 348 Challenge and Monterey, which are open only to FCA members.
  • The FCA is the National Club with active regions throughout the country so no matter where you live or visit there will always be events open to you.
I hope you will join us by participating in events, coming to meetings and communicating with the organizing committee to let us know what you want. Everyone who receives this should be a member of the FCA. The organizing committee has set dues at $35.00 annually. Please complete the enclosed Southwest Region membership application so we will know who you are. Several events are described in this newsletter so join, come to the events and let's get to know each other.

The next meeting of the organizing committee is scheduled for June 6th at 6:00 PM at Steve Tillack's shop (630 Mary Ann Drive, Redondo Beach 310-318-8760). Please come and help us plan the next events, elections, etc.

About the author: Judd Goldfeder is the interim regional director of the Southwest Region and has been instrumental in its creation.